Emily Richter

May 18, 2018 | Iuliia

When my three year old daughter started at CK, I was ambivalent about preschool.  I thought we’d give it a try, and if she didn’t like it, I’d pull her out and wait until she started 4K through OSD.

As a place of learning, CK had everything I could want for her – comprehensive facilities, an emphasis on diversity coupled with the opportunity to learn a second language, a strong emphasis on time outdoors, and a philosophy of exploratory learning that is appropriate for the under-6 crowd. I feel that one of the most valuable things children can learn is that people who look or speak differently than they do are just as deserving of respect, and CK is an incredibly special place to learn that lesson.

Tia Lisbet was a phenomenal introduction to CK, helping my English-only daughter integrate smoothly into the Spanish language environment with as little stress as possible.  Within the first week, I was watching my daughter take huge developmental leaps forward, and she hasn’t slowed since..

Six months later, my daughter is now thriving in Buhos (4K/5K) and her twin siblings are fighting over who gets the extra day a week in Pajaritos (the 3 y/o room).  The more I learn about young childhood development, the more impressed I continue to be with CK – the methods they use, the dynamics among the staff, and the unexpected sense of a place that is fast becoming home away from home for my children. 

Emily Richter

Mother of Susannah, James, and Laura

May 16 2018

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